

Applicants between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five may be received to enter the monastery and begin the postulancy, the first stage of discernment and formation in the Poor Clare way of life.

Experience has long shown that any woman of average strength, with good mental and emotional health can observe the Rule of Saint Clare.

A high school education is required, and freedom from debt.

Postulants bring with them a willing heart, a teachable mind, and a pliable character, for the act of responding to the contemplative vocation extends beyond the act of Entrance.

We have prepared a short brochure that provides additional information about The Poor Clares of Los Altos. Please feel free to download the Vocations Brochure and read it at your convenience. You are welcome to call us at 650-948-2947 if you have any questions about discerning the life of the Poor Clare Colettines.

“It is in the contemplation of the Crucified Christ that all vocations find their inspiration.”
-Saint Pope John Paul II


We welcome your vocation inquiry. 

Applicant Inquiry Form

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